Chal Panchida Re Rajasthani Video bhajan. This Rajasthan song is a popular old song of Rajasthan. Original Chal Panchida song has been sung by Bhagwan Sahay Sain while this song has been sung by Rani Rangili and Laxman Singh Rawat in a remix version with different lyrics. Definitely, you will enjoy the song here on
Song: Chal Panchida Re
Singer: Rani Rangili & Laxman Singh Rawat
Album: Chammak Chammak Rani Nache
Music: Traditional Folk
Music-Lable: Chetak Cassttes
Source: This song
Click to watch Chal Panchida Re Rajasthani song.
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You can also enjoy Rani Rangili’s other hot songs on the site by searching Rani Rangili in the above search box.
Soon, we will share the song lyrics of the video here. Also, keep visiting for latest Rajasthani video bhajan
and Marwadi Songs.